Friday, 6 June 2014

Haworthia sp.

The International Haworthia Study Group.

Haworthia 'sector'

The International Haworthia Study Group.

Haworthia truncata hybrid Variegated

Variegated Haworthias are AWESOME

Haworthia slivania 'silver something'

The International Haworthia Study Group.

Haworthia 'akaji'

The International Haworthia Study Group.

Haworthia picta 'hukugiu black'

The International Haworthia Study Group.

Gasteria sp. (sunburnt)

Photos from Miisabo Succulent's post in Planet... - Miisabo Succulent

Haworthia picta variegated

Photos from Little Little Onehouse's post in... - Little Little Onehouse

Haworthia mirabilis v badia Napier

Kris Tamayo - Photos from Kris Tamayo's post in Haworthia

Haworthia hybrid ' Bronze Giant '

Olga Okulewicz - Photos from Olga Okulewicz's post in Haworthia hybrid

Haworthia mutica

Olga Okulewicz - Photos from Olga Okulewicz's post in Haworthia

Haworthia pubescens

Photos from Simon Livingrock's post - Simon Livingrock

Haworthia argenteo maculosa.

Photos from Simon Livingrock's post in Haworthia - Simon Livingrock

Haworthia limifolia fa striata variegated

Variegated Haworthias are AWESOME

Haworthia sp variegated

Variegated Haworthias are AWESOME