Monday, 9 September 2013

Dudleya Gnoma

Dudleya Gnoma | Succulents & Cactus & Sedum

Agave mitis 'Multicolor'

Agave mitis 'Multicolor' (Multicolor Century ... | Succulents & Cactu…


Untitled by UFalum2005
Untitled, a photo by UFalum2005 on Flickr.

Gasteria batesiana 'Barberton'

Gasteria batesiana 'Barberton'

Gasteria hybrid variegata

Gasteria armstrongii variegata

Gasteria sp.

Gasteria "Dreamsicle"

Gasteria "Dreamsicle"

Gasteria sp. variegata

Gasteria sp. variegata

Gasteraloe 'Green Ice'

Gasteraloe 'Green Ice'

Gasteraworthia cv. 'Rosava'

Gasteria glomerata

LA Inter-City Cactus and Succulent Show and Sale 2013

Haworthia koelmaniorum, Groblersdal

Gasteria ellaphiae IB 9990, Kouga Dam,(elongate leaft form)

Gasteria dorreniae Jil 173, Top of Swartwather Poort

Gasteria batesiana , Klipwal Goldmine

Gasteria acinacifolia EA 1404, Willows,Port Elizabeth

Gasteria transvaalensis, IB 12909


part of my lithops 1 by haworthiaplanet
part of my lithops 1, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr.


Part of my lithops 3 by haworthiaplanet
Part of my lithops 3, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr.

Haworthia pumila cv.Donut

H.pumila cv.Donut by haworthiaplanet
H.pumila cv.Donut, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr.

Haworthia - japanese cultivars

Japan plants by haworthiaplanet
Japan plants, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr.

Haworthia bayeri,Vaalkrantz

H.bayeri,Vaalkrantz by haworthiaplanet
H.bayeri,Vaalkrantz, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr. Francoise"Sikinjohu"

H."Sikinjohu" by haworthiaplanet
H."Sikinjohu", a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr. Francoise Francoise by haworthiaplanet Francoise, a photo by haworthiaplanet on Flickr.

Gasteria armstrongii 'Pearl variegated' (altro clone)

Gasteria armstrongii 'Pearl variegated' (altro ... | Succulent and Ca…

Haworthia 'Snowtiger'

Haworthia 'Snowtiger' | Succulent and Cactus Nirvana

Agave americana mediopicta alba

Agave americana mediopicta alba | Succulents & Cactus & Sedum

Agave x leopoldii 'Hammer Time'

Agave x leopoldii 'Hammer Time' (Hammer Time ... | Succulents & Cactu…

Aloe cryptopoda var. wickensii

Aloe cryptopoda var. wickensii | Succulents & Cactus & Sedum

euphorbia grandialata

euphorbia grandialata | Succulents & Cactus & Sedum

Mammillaria vetula ssp gracilis cv Arizona

Mammillaria vetula ssp gracilis cv Arizona ... | Succulents & Cactus …

Cheiridopsis denticulata

Cheiridopsis denticulata by Succulents Love, ... | Succulent and Cact…

Aloinopsis malherbei (Giant jewel plant)

Aloinopsis malherbei (Giant jewel plant), ... | Succulent and Cactus …

Stapelia flavopurpurea

Stapelia flavopurpurea by Dornenwolf
Stapelia flavopurpurea, a photo by Dornenwolf on Flickr.

Crassula pyramidalis

Face obscure by Papilli
Face obscure, a photo by Papilli on Flickr.

Sansevieria scimitariformis - flowers

Aloe mawii - Lurio population

Aloe mawii - Lurio waterfall

Corpuscularia Lehmannii